
Direkt am Schloßplatz gelegen, sind das GLORIA, EM und CINEMA seit über 70 Jahren für Cineasten eine beliebte Anlaufstelle. Mit sieben Kinosälen, vom kleinen Studiokino bis zum großen Saal für 459 Zuschauer, gibt es Filmvergnügen in jeder Dimension. Technisch auf dem neuesten Stand und mit modernster Bild- und Soundtechnik ausgestattet garantieren wir beste Unterhaltung.. Digitale 4K- und 2K-Projektionen zaubern Bilder in atemberaubender Brillanz auf die Leinwand. Kino wird hier zum Erlebnis. Das GLORIA 2 beeindruckt als einziger Stuttgarter Kinosaal mit Dolby Atmos. Neben dem regulären Kinoprogramm werden verschiedene Filmreihen angeboten. Außerdem sind über das Jahr hinweg viele Filmfestivals zu Gast in den Innenstadtkinos.

Black Forest Games

Founded in 2012 and located in Offenburg, Germany, we are a team of about 95 highly experienced international professionals. We share the passion and drive for developing video games. Some of us are working together in game development for more than 20 years.

Over our years of experience, we have specialized in developing high-quality games across varying genres and platforms. BFG’s most popular recent titles include innovative platformers such as Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams and Rogue Stormers. In 2019, we released Fade To Silence, a one-of-a-kind survival-adventure in a unique open-world setting.

Our latest game release is the remake of the 2005-classic Destroy All Humans!, which we recreated from the ground up as faithfully as possible.

The studio is located in the beautiful region between the German Black Forest and the French Vosges, very close to the French border.

Since August 2017 we are part of the THQ Nordic group. With the strong background of one of Europe’s biggest publishers and the culture of an independent game developer we are set to fulfill our vision: To develop original games that emphasize high visual quality, engaging gameplay and technical excellence and to become one of the top developers in the industry.