Best of Kids Fantoche 2023


27. April 2024    
12:30 - 13:45


Bolzstraße, Stuttgart, 70173


Fun for young and old – Fantoche International Festival for Animated Film Baden/Switzerland presents its Best of Kids programme. Let the winning films of the kids’ jury and the audience favourites whisk you away into the playful and boundless world of animation. 

Pirat i violonchel
Pirat i violonchelDirector: Andrei Sokolov / Russia / 2023 / 14:08 min / Screenplay: Marat Narimanov / Production: PRORIGHT, LLC / World Sales: PRORIGHT, LLC

What feelings do street musicians evoke in you: indifference, irritation, or?.. An unusual duet of a cellist and a dog will make you change your attitude for the better, because true art and true friendship do wonders!

Entre deux sœurs
Entre deux sœursDirector: Anne-Sophie Gousset, Clément Céard / France / 2022 / 7:15 min / Screenplay: Anne-Sophie Gousset / Production: Folimage, Les Armateurs / World Sales: Folimage

To be sisters is about a special bond and laughing together. To be sisters is to be propelled by love. But these particular sisters share an extra something a bit different, and that’s absolutely fine.

L’oie du plus fort
L’oie du plus fortDirector: Jan Míka / Czech Republic / 2022 / 13:04 min

Wat zit er in die kist?
Wat zit er in die kist?Director: Bram Algoed, Pieter Gaudesaboos / Belgium / 2023 / 9:27 min / Production: Animal Tank / World Sales: Animal Tank

A story about a pilot, a captain, a machinist, a driver, a mailman, a girl… and a giant box. What’s in the box, the giant box that the pilot brought with him from a country, far, far away? Probably an elephant, the captain thinks, and very carefully he loads the box onto his ship. The ship hobbles and wobbles on the high seas. A strong gust breaks open the walls of the box creakingly…

KatzeDirector: Julia Ocker / Germany / 2022 / 3:37 min / Screenplay: Julia Ocker / Distribution:

The cat has an especially delicious recipe: Mouse Soup!

Què li passa al cel?
Què li passa al cel?Director: Irene Iborra / Spain / 2022 / 10:00 min / Production: Bigaro films / World Sales: Mikhal Bak

The sun rises happily over the horizon and is welcomed by the most beautiful landscape. The humans also wake up and do what they always do: cut down trees, construct aimlessly and pollute without shame. Their ideas and actions, usually very disrespectful to the planet, are putting in jeopardy the whole environment.

TümpelDirector: Eva Rust, Lena Von Döhren / Switzerland / 2023 / 8:30 min / Screenplay: Eva Rust, Lena Von Döhren / Production: Catpics AG / World Sales: Magnetfilm GmbH

In fantastic formations, herring roam the vastness of the sea. When seagulls suddenly attack the school, a small herring finds itself alone in a tidal pool. Looking for a way out, he discovers that many other sea creatures live in the pond. But there is no time for fear. Because only together can they defend themselves against the hungry seagull.