Night of Shame by Studio Seufz


26. April 2024    
20:00 - 22:00


Nordbahnhofstr. 1, Stuttgart


Tired of always having to be the best? Looking for a valve to release the pressure? Look no further! At “Night of Shame” we celebrate filmmakers’ WORST. Charmingly incompetent or all out face-palm – established directors show their questionable films and talk about them!

Lovely Interviews! Redemptive Applause! Good times! And finally, the most shameful film of the night wins the Golden Shamie! (not actual gold)

So, remember: “We’re all the same in our shame.”

A Studio Seufz Event hosted by ITFS & Animationsinstitut der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.

Admission with ticket only (click here or go to the ITFS Welcome Desk)