How Is Our Programme Created?

Have you ever wondered how a festival programme comes together? We’ve broken it down for you in a detailed description.


Call for Entries (Autumn)
More than six months before the festival, we publish the call for entries on our website and elsewhere, inviting filmmakers from around the world to submit their works. This “Call for Entries” marks the starting point for the next festival. From then on, we work on attracting as many strong, current films as possible. 2,206 films from 74 countries were submitted in 2024.

Viewing the Entries (Winter)
Five pre-selection committees review the submissions for the five competitions:

  • International Competition
  • Student Competition
  • Tricks for Kids
  • Trickstar Nature
  • AniMovie (Feature Film)

Additionally, the ITFS presents other awards:

  • Trickstar Business Award: A jury nominates up to five projects  and selects a winner.
  • Animated Games Award Germany: A jury nominates up to five games, which can be tried out during the festival in the GameZone.
  • Screenplay Award: A jury selects the winners from the submitted projects.

More Programme Content:
The artistic and programme directors, along with partners and external curators, curate the rest of the programmes.


Important To-Dos (from the start of the year)

  • Secure film rights
  • Obtain film copies
  • Invite juries and guests

Selection for the Competitions 
The pre-selection committees compile films for the competitions. At ITFS 2024, 129 short films and six feature films from 34 countries were selected, representing Europe, the US and Canada as well as Japan, Taiwan, Iran, Colombia, and Mexico.

The jurors consider which films fit thematically or aesthetically – by style or craft – and can be presented together in a programme block. In 2024, 35 films were featured in the International Competition across five programme blocks with different themes.


During the festival week, ITFS offers a wide variety of events for all tastes:

  • Competition films in cinemas
  • Special programmes with a focus on countries and other cinematic themes in cinemas
  • GameZone featuring the nominated games for the Animated German Award Germany
  • Open Air screenings of free film programmes under the open sky – for everyone
  • Insights such as masterclasses, talks, and panels at the Festival Centre for professionals and enthusiasts.

During the festival, our juries watch and evaluate all nominated films in the five competition categories (International Competition, Student Competition, Trickstar Nature, AniMovie, Tricks for Kids). They discuss and decide who will receive the awards and whether a film deserves a special mention. Such a “Special Mention” isn’t financially rewarded but is a significant honour for the filmmakers.

The audience also gets to vote: In the International Competition and Tricks for Kids, an audience award is given.

Award Ceremony
12 golden Trickstar awards, five competitions, and a total of over €45,000 in prize money.


ITFS Animation Tour
Starting in October, the best films of this year’s festival go on tour and are showcased in three programmes worldwide:

  • Best of ITFS
  • Best of Tricks for Kids
  • Trickstar Nature Award