Animated Films in the Competitions of 27th ITFS

Once again, several hundred films were submitted for the 27th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film. Only the best films made it into the competition selection – however, due to the cancellation of the festival, they cannot be shown in the cinema this year. We will make up for this at ITFS 2021. Nevertheless, the…

Confirmed Films for OnlineFestival

After the cancellation of the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, numerous animated films could be won for the new From May 5-10 the films from the different competitions can be watched after registration for OnlineFestival+. Find here an update about the confirmed films so far: International Competition Panorama Tricks for Kids Trickstar Nature…

Music Game Jam

Those who want to rise to the challenge of developing interactive experiences within 34 hours to accompany, emphasise, and enrich the live performance of a chamber orchestra, can now apply for the ITFS 2020 Music Game Jam. From all applications received, we will select five teams of up to four persons each for participation. Submission…

ITFS Around The Globe

Popular Animated Film Programme on all continents   Stuttgart International Festival Animated Film (ITFS) is one of the world’s largest festivals of animated film. This is also reflected in the ITFS Tour programme, which runs in over 30 countries following the festival. Two highlights will be held in October and November, where screening of the…

Animation Around Europe – The 26th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film has started!

Germany’s biggest festival of animated film, the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS), starts its 26th round: On tuesday evening, April 30 the festival was opened solemnly in the Innenstadtkinos in Stuttgart. During the opening ceremony both managing directors of the festival, Ulrich Wegenast and Dieter Krauß, were present as well as Evelyne Gebhardt,…