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From Film to Festival

How is our programme created?

Have you ever wondered how a festival program like this is put together? We’ve broken it down for you:


From January

Now it's time to curate

The pre-selection committees put together film blocks for the competitions. They consider which films fit together thematically or aesthetically – i.e. in terms of their style – and can be shown in a programme block.



Travelling worldwide

Our best films

Every spring, the world gathers in Stuttgart for the International Festival of Animated Film. Each autumn, a selection of the best festival films starts to travel around the globe for one year. Three different programmes will be on tour – from Lake Constance to Sichuan, from Tbilisi to Düsseldorf.

Over the year

Curated programmes

Throughout the year the ITFS brings the world of animation to you. In addition to the Animation Tour, there are regular Animation Ppecials - mainly in Stuttgart and the region - for example for Pride Month, the fall of the Berlin Wall or Short Film Day.

Pre Fixe

Regional industry get-together

An Animation Lounge is organised four times a year for professionals from Stuttgart and the region, where animation professionals give an insight into their work. The event is embedded in the monthly Jour Fixe organised by MFG Filmförderung.