Nominees Animated Com Award 2014

Category Advertising


BBC Winter Olympics: Nature

Great Britain 2013, 1:00min

directed by Tomek Baginski 

Production: Stink London 

Agency: RKCR/Y&R



Baileys: Forming

Great Britain 2013, 1:00 min.

directed by Johnny Hardstaff

Production: RSA Films

Agency: 101 Projects Ltd. 

California Lottery: More Luck for your Buck

USA 201, 0:47min

directed by David Chontos

Produktion: Psyop 

Client: Fortune 55 TV Production 

Audi: Mirrors

Germany 2013, 0:30 min.

directed by Ole Peters 

Production: Sehsucht Hamburg

Agency: Thjnk Berlin

Add Power

Germany 2013, 1:38 min.

directed by Sebastian Strasser

Production: Radical Media 

Agency: Jung von Matt



Stop the Show

Spain, Great Britain, Germany 2013, 1:00 min.

directed by Max Hattler

Production: Max Hattler 

Client: Amnesty International


Category Technology


The Bear and the Hare

Great Britain 2013, 2:00 min

(+ Making of: 2:34 min.)

directed by Elliot Dear, Yves Geleyn

Production: Blinkink + Hornet Inc. 

Agency: Adam+Eve DDB 

Watch Dogs: Exposed

Hungary 2013, 3:38 min.

directed by István Zorkóczy

Production: Digic Pictures 


Honda: Hands

Great Britain 2013, 1:55min.

directed by Smith & Foulkes

Production: Nexus

Agency: Wieden & Kennedy


Category Spatial Communication

While you were sleeping: Frankfurt Book Fair

New Zeeland 2012, 10:11 min.

directed byMike Mizrahi, Marie Adams

Production: Inside Out Productions

Agency: Uniplan



The Time Machine: Wu Kingdom HelV Relics Museum

Germany, China 2013, 3:00 min.

directed by Marc Tamschick

Production: Tamschick Media+Space 

Agency: Acciona Producciones y diseno s.a.



Nike Hyperfeel

Great Britain 2013, 4:00 min.



Client: Nike



Special Award “Future needs Derivation – Individual Mobility” by Daimler AG


1900 – 2000

France 2013, 6:07 min.

directed by Caroline Le Duff, Gabrielle Locre,

Agathe Pillot, Armelle Renac, Benoît Berthe,

Vivien Risser

School: Supinfocom Valenciennes 

The Rise and Fall of Globosome

Germany 2013, 5:45 min.

directed by Sascha Geddert 

School: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg 

U.I. Lapp Gmbh Special Prize: „Lapp Connected Award“


Electric Soul

Finland 2013, 5:00 min.

directed Joni Männistö

Producer: Joni Männistö

Netherlands 2013
directed by Quentin Haberham

Producer: Quentin Haberham

School: HKU Hilversum Netherlands

Laufzeit: 3:00 min.


Japan 2013, 3:55 min.

directed by Mitsuko Okamoto

Producer: Mitsuko Okamoto

School: Tokyo University of the Arts