Festival Board

Supporters & Award Sponsors


The MFG Baden-Württemberg is an institution of the federal state Baden-Württemberg and Südwestrundfunk. MFG’s mission is the promotion of film culture and film economy as well as the cultural and creative economy. The MFG is a statewide centre of competence, a public funder of culture and economics and a supporter of these communities. MFG Filmförderung’s main focus is supporting films through project-based fundings, MFG Kreativ focuses on connection and networking in the cultural and creative economy and the digital culture field. At the same time we act as advisers regarding questions of media competence, open source, online state projects and university cooperations.


The LfK based in Stuttgart has existed since 1986 with the beginning of private television in Baden-Württemberg. For the past 35 years we advocate for a diverse media landscape in Baden-Württemberg. With our team of 30 staffmembers we shape the conditions for a diverse range of private radio and TV formats in Baden-Württemberg. We plan the distribution areas and take care of the observance of media laws offline as well as online. Furthermore it is our special goal to support journalist structures in Baden-Württemberg and to keep our most vulnerable users – children and adolescents – safe and teach them and also senior citizens a safe way of using digital media. Our goals haven’t changed much in the past 35 years. We need to secure the freedom of speech and a multitude of different opinions. To continually reach these goals, we rearrange our priorities over and over.