Best of Animation 1 - Homemade Highlights 1


26. April 2023    
17:30 - 19:00


Bolzstraße, Stuttgart, 70173


The Friends of the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (Förderverein ITFS e.V.) are delighted to be given the opportunity to organise four Best of programmes for this year’s festival. The selection of the best animated short films from the last 30 festival editions showcases the diversity of filmmakers and their works worldwide. Although the selection cannot be comprehensive, we are certain that the creativity and quality of each and every film will fascinate audiences.


An absolute highlight are two film programmes called ‘Homemade Highlights’. They present the works of outstanding animation artists from the region. These films show the unique artistic and narrative creative styles of the respective filmmaking personalities, such as Jochen Kuhn, Volker Engel, Kiana Nagshineh, Andreas Hykade, Shoko Hara and many more, who not only receive great recognition locally but also internationally.


Do not miss this rare opportunity to enjoy all these film masterpieces on the big screen again!

Bravo Papa 2040Director: Susanne Fränzel / Germany / 1989 / 5:28 min

Two perspectives face one another. An farmer haying. A low-flying plane races over her, through the nearby village, passing over all the institutions, houses, cowsheds. The population takes cover to escape this kamikaze plane, simulated by an unleashed trick camera.

Video 3000Director: Marc Schleiss, Jörg Edelmann, Jörn Großhans, Jochen Haussecker, Simon Schleidt / Germany / 2006 / 5:05 min / Production: HdM – Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart

Rolf is happy about his newly acquired Video3000 recorder. Of course, it is to be inaugurated in a befitting manner. But, strangely enough, the brand-new Video3000 remote control doesn’t work. After furiously pressing all the function keys, Rolf discovers that it is not the video recorder that follows his commands, but the real world that can be controlled via “Play”, “Pause”, “FF” and “FR”. This opens up undreamt-of possibilities for Rolf – but there is one key he has so far ignored.

Der Kleine und das BiestDirector: Johannes Weiland, Uwe Heidschötter / Germany / 2009 / 6:56 min / Screenplay: Marcus Sauermann

When your mother has turned into a beast, a lot of things change.

Animanimals – AmeiseDirector: Julia Ocker / Germany / 2017 / 3:37 min / Screenplay: Julia Ocker / Production: Studio FILM BILDER GmbH / Distribution: / World Sales: Studio FILM BILDER GmbH

The ants are working together perfectly. But there is one ant who is doing everything differently.

KaterDirector: Tine Kluth / Germany / 2005 / 13:23 min / Screenplay: Marcus Sauermann

A depressed tomcat who has already lost a life falls in love.

NuggetsDirector: Hykade Andreas / Germany / 2014 / 5:06 min / Screenplay: Andreas Hykade

Kiwi tastes a golden nugget. It´s delicious.

Re-CreationDirector: Volker Engel / Germany / 1997 / 4:22 min

Robots dance to waltz music.


BENZTOWNDirector: Gottfried Mentor / Germany / 2020 / 4:33 min / Screenplay: Gottfried Mentor / Production: Studio FILM BILDER GmbH, Studio FILM BILDER / Distribution: / World Sales: Studio FILM BILDER GmbH

A city goes berserk. Stuttgart is fighting the traffic chaos with its very own means and far-reaching consequences. Perhaps other cities will soon follow the example.

SumpfDirector: Gil Alkabetz / Germany / 1991 / 10:49 min

This film, which abstractly shows the battle between a blue and a red army, is still considered a milestone in international animation history.