International Competition 1 (Rep.)


26. April 2023    
11:30 - 13:30


Gloria 1
Königstraße 20, Stuttgart, 70173


The International Competition (IC) is the beating heart of the festival. The best of current animated shorts from around the world are shown in this section. Films are humorous, contemplative, creative, or critical. 

You only really miss something when it is no longer there. This applies equally to your own freedom, more time, a little frog or a beloved person.

Ice Merchants
Ice MerchantsDirector: João Gonzalez / France, Portugal, United Kingdom / 2022 / 14:32 min / Screenplay: João Gonzalez / Production: COLA – COLETIVO AUDIOVISUAL, Wildstream / World Sales: AGENCIA – Portuguese Short Film Agency

Every day, a father and his son jump with a parachute from their vertiginous cold house, attached to a cliff, to go to the village on the ground, far away where they sell the ice they produce daily.

Ressources Humaines
Ressources HumainesDirector: Isaac Wenzek, Titouan Tillier, Trinidad Plass / France / 2022 / 3:30 min / Production: EMCA (Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation) / World Sales: EMCA (Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation)

Andy, followed by a friend filming the scene, goes to his recycling appointment. Wanda, the secretary of the company, welcomes him. We follow Andy through the whole process, until his last seconds of life.

The Invention of Less
The Invention of LessDirector: Noah Erni / Switzerland / 2021 / 3:03 min / Screenplay: Noah Erni / Production: Studio uuuh! / World Sales: Studio uuuh!

In 2031, due to global warming a young polar bear has to leave her home and moves to Zurich. Together with the other animals who have fled, she ekes out a living with odd jobs. But then she has a world-changing idea!

11Director: Vuk Jevremovic / Croatia, Germany / 2022 / 5:28 min / Screenplay: Vuk Jevremovic / World Sales: Bonobostudio

Three masters of football. They can perform wonders during the match and score impossible goals. But what happens in their heads when they are about to take penalty kicks?

Letter to a Pig
Letter to a PigDirector: Tal Kantor / France, Israel / 2022 / 16:50 min / Production: MIYU Productions / World Sales: Miyu Distribution

A Holocaust survivor reads a letter he wrote to the pig who saved his life. A young schoolgirl hears his testimony in class and sinks into a twisted dream where she confronts questions of identity, collective trauma, and the extremes of human nature.

Faux Plat
Faux PlatDirector: Denis de Wind / Belgium / 2022 / 4:58 min / Screenplay: Denis de Wind / World Sales: Denis de Wind

How to leave the one who left? Or: What’s left of our loves?

UhrmenschenDirector: Hao Yu / Germany / 2022 / 5:21 min / Screenplay: Hao Yu / Production: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF / World Sales: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF-Festivals & Distribution

After the Industrial Revolution, the division of labour became clearer. Many people have to work in one position for a long time. Unfortunately, not everyone is satisfied with their work. Had primitive people similar problems in modern society? We interviewed five primitive people. Let’s see what they said.

The Waiting
The WaitingDirector: Volker Schlecht / Germany / 2023 / 15:35 min / Screenplay: Alexander Lahl, Max Mönch / Production: mobyDOK / World Sales: mobyDOK

In the rainforest of Costa Rica, a researcher lives for several years in a tiny little shack to observe frogs. When she leaves the place for a short time and returns, not a single frog is to be found anymore. The woman sets out to find them – and encounters a gruesome mystery.