Meet &Greet @ Exhibition: Animated Loops


28. April 2023    
16:00 - 17:00


Galerie B, Stadtbibliothek am Mailänder Platz
Mailänder Platz 1, Stuttgart, 70173


Hardly any other art form deals as intensively with non-linear, circular storytelling as the medium of animation. Beginning with painting studies, abstract experiments and by playing with the material, students from the Animation programme at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF explore the possibilities of the animated loop. The spectrum ranges from micro-stories on social issues to universal stories on the human condition and visual explorations at the intersection with video art.

Participating students:

Anita Bruneburg, Felicia Bergström & Giula Falciani, Urantuul Erkhembayar, Elina Gkekas, Sophie Kalinowsky, Anna Makarova, Laura Isabel Schneider, Emilia Zieser