School Presentation: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF 2


27. April 2023    
15:30 - 18:30


Bolzstraße 10, Stuttgart, 70173


The Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF presents the best works of its students in two short film programmes – from the past and the present.


Film University KONRAD WOLF was founded almost 70 years ago as Deutsche Hochschule für Filmkunst (Later Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen). Initially, animators for the DEFA-Studio in Dresden were trained in the “Animation” programme, but after the Wende, Brandenburg’s only university of the arts developed an artistic study course influenced by film d’auteur. 

Meanwhile, students can choose from the BFA “Animation” and the MFA “Animation Direction” as well as from many other study programmes. Students have the opportunity to realise individual artistic animated films with all the creative and technical options. A team of highly qualified teaching staff accompany them in their projects.


Curated and presented by: Christina Schindler, Felix Gönnert

NosisDirector: Vincenz Neuhaus / Germany / 2018 / 8:09 min / Screenplay: Vincenz Neuhaus / Distribution:

KantentanzDirector: Camille Geißler, Elisabeth Jakobi / Germany / 2019 / 4:06 min

Prisoner OutsideDirector: Igor Medvedev / Germany / 2021 / 6:41 min / Screenplay: Igor Medvedev / World Sales: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

AchillDirector: Gudrun Krebitz / Germany / 2012 / 9:21 min / Screenplay: Gudrun Krebitz / Distribution: / World Sales: Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (HFF)

Make Her DanceDirector: Carolina Cruz / Germany / 2021 / 3:14 min / Screenplay: Carolina Cruz, Gayatri Parameswaran / World Sales: Film University Babelsberg

A Sweet StoryDirector: Moritz Biene / Germany / 2017 / 7:22 min

Love Me, Fear MeDirector: Veronica Solomon / Germany / 2017 / 6:06 min / Screenplay: Veronica Solomon / Production: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF / Distribution: / World Sales: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Karlchen und die ElefantenDirector: Friedrich Kießling / Germany / 2021 / 8:17 min / Screenplay: Friedrich Kießling / Production: youngfilms GmbH & Co. KG / World Sales: youngfilms GmbH & Co. KG

My Happy EndDirector: Milen Vitanov / Germany / 2007 / 5:21 min / Screenplay: Milen Vitanov

Mmm…CatDirector: Yongxin Wang / Germany / 2020 / 5:05 min / Distribution:

Walking while Falling
Walking while FallingDirector: Elisabeth Jakobi / Germany / 2020 / 2:12 min / Production: Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF / Distribution:

Dieser Film heißt aus rechtlichen Gründen Breaking BertDirector: Anne Isensee / Germany / 2020 / 4:37 min / Screenplay: Anne Isensee / Distribution:

Laika & NemoDirector: Jan Gadermann, Sebastian Gadow / Germany / 2022 / 15:00 min / World Sales: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF