Studiopresentation: Job, Jories & Marieke (NL) & Those Eyes (DK)


26. April 2023    
15:30 - 17:30


Bolzstraße 10, Stuttgart, 70173


Three Heads are Better Than One (Job, Joris & Marieke)

In 2018 the short film “Kop Op” by animation studio Job, Joris & Marieke won an International Emmy. Reason enough to expand the concept of the short film into a children’s series. So in 2022 Job, Joris & Marieke released their series “Swop”, about the three friends Sef, Wesley and Marjory who one day discover an abandoned washing machine that seems to possess mysterious powers; it lets you swop your own head with someone else’s.

The presentation will focus on the making of “Swop”, how the stories came to life, how the art design was developed and some nice insights on the animation process.

Do the Story – Working with interactive & authentic storytelling

Agent T aka Trine Laier is (maybe) a daughter of Danish Cold War spies. She also runs the game/film production company THOSE EYES based in Copenhagen. THOSE EYES develops original and significant experiences where storytelling and mechanics are developed symbiotically.

Agent T will reveal secret knowledge and give bad advice on how to develop an extraordinary personal and yet playful docu-game like the award-winning “Cosmic Top Secret”. How to explore mechanics together with real feelings – and break new grounds for storytelling. Work in progress examples from the multi-platform “Mouse & Crane”, the multiplayer “Man & Mutant” and the casual “Real Vampires” game and film series will also be presented.