The Young Animation Competition (YA) shows selected animated short films made by students of international film and art schools. Young animation artists from different countries tell touching stories, create fantastic worlds and open new perspectives.
Curious Cowboys Meet Giraffes in Hyperspace
Kevin and his horse have almost reached the destination of the lady who sent him a love letter, and Kevin is eager to finally meet her; but love is not always what you expect.
A man hungry for sausages buys a microwave oven that will drag him into the wild.
As a girl grows up, her world starts to become more complicated. She notices lines appearing on people’s faces that she hadn’t noticed before. While trying to see the hidden lives in between her neighbours’ facial features, her own face struggles to ignore an unwanted line from her childhood.
A student’s imaginative rendition of the ancient Taoist legend of Chaos is criticized by her teacher. Two parallel narratives run through the film: the quashing of the student’s creativity and the death of Chaos in the parable. This film underscores the contemporary relevance of Taoist wisdom by cautioning against dogmatism and the disregard for the natural way of things.
Pentola is a short, middle-aged man, who leaves his wife Titti for Batman.
The process of being encroached by the persona.
This short film uses a fully split, mosaic-screen, following two people’s trains of thought while making a cup of tea. Transitioning from one memory to another, we dive deeper into the memories transcending into the character’s subconscious and lose track of reality.
This film tells the story of overly curious Mary, who visits her boyfriend’s flat for the first time, just to discover it’s been stripped bare of all personal belongings. After being denied an explanation, she climbs into his head.
A young troublemaker and her dog set out on a journey up a mountain to shoot down the brightest star in the sky.
A little paper figure comes out of the pages and now faces the challenge of finding strength to rip itself from its comfort zone in order to dive into the unknown.
A recently married woman to a rich lord visits her new home. Wandering through the corridors of the castle, she ends up discovering a mysterious blue door.
At the heart of a bustling capital city, Freddie and Daniel share an intimate moment together.
The first years of Marcel’s life are very happy. He lives in maternal love, until Sophie’s birth. There, Marcel plunges into a spiral of loneliness and sadness.
Andy, followed by a friend filming the scene, goes to his recycling appointment. Wanda, the secretary of the company, welcomes him. We follow Andy through the whole process, until his last seconds of life.