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Meet &Greet @ Exhibition: Animated Loops

28. April 2023 @ 16:00 – 17:00 – Hardly any other art form deals as intensively with non-linear, circular storytelling as the medium of animation. Beginning with painting studies, abstract experiments and by playing with the material, students from the Animation programme at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF explore the possibilities of the animated loop. The spectrum ranges from micro-stories on social […]

Focus Southafrica: Animated Shorts – Best of CTIAF

28. April 2023 @ 16:00 – 18:00 – Africa is a vast and complicated continent rich in storytelling, artistic styles and an abundance of myth. The Cape Town International Animation Festival has existed for 11 years and is proud to contribute to the ITFS programme. The themes of the programme run the gamut of human experience; relationships, fables, loss, comedy, illness, discrimination and unemployment. […]

We animate Social Justice

28. April 2023 @ 17:00 – 18:00 – Under the title ‘We animate social justice’, the ITFS and MACH DICH STARK – lInitiative gegen Kinderarmut im Südwesten (Initiative against Child Poverty in the Southwest) jointly present a selection of international animated short films that deal with topics such as inclusion, migration, community spirit and child poverty. MACH DICH STARK has also invited many […]

Young Animation 3

28. April 2023 @ 18:00 – 20:00 – The Young Animation Competition (YA) shows selected animated short films made by students of international film and art schools. Young animation artists from different countries tell touching stories, create fantastic worlds and open new perspectives.Misophonic Philosophy and Schrödinger’s Cat.Misophonia OrchestraDirector: Daniela Hýbnerová / Czech Republic / 2022 / 5:59 min / Screenplay: Daniela Hýbnerová, Věra […]

Work in Progress 1 – German Projects & Co-Productions

28. April 2023 @ 18:00 – 19:30 – The ‘Work in Progress’ series enables producers and directors to present animated feature films, short films, series, or cross-media projects to an international audience of professionals and give them a first insight into brand new and interesting projects. Professionals are given a platform to find new cooperation and financing partners or investment opportunities.In 25-minutes each […]

AniMovie: Charlotte

28. April 2023 @ 18:30 – 20:30 – Charlotte is an animated drama that tells the true story of Charlotte Salomon, a young German- Jewish painter who comes of age in Berlin on the eve of the Second World War. Fiercely imaginative and deeply gifted, she dreams of becoming an artist. Her first love applauds her talent, which emboldens her resolve. But the […]

ONLY YOU: An Animated Shorts Collection

28. April 2023 @ 19:00 – 20:00 – What’s a story? ONLY YOU can tell? Inspired by this prompt, a diverse group of artists bring their personal stories to life across a spectacular range of animated styles and genres, including horror, comedy and fantasy. A visually exhilarating and emotion-fuelled journey, this collection of films welcomes us into the hearts, minds and communities of […]

28. April 2023 @ 20:00 – 22:00 – Is it possible to shape a lump of modelling clay into something touching? For Izabela Plucińska, this question does not arise. When she first came across the material, she knew that she wanted to use it to tell her stories. In her work, she makes just as virtuoso use of modelling clay in a bas-relief […]

Rocks in my Pockets

28. April 2023 @ 20:15 – 21:45 – Signe Baumane // USA, Latvia 2014, 88 min, English OV with German STThe film is based on real events in which five women from Signe Baumane’s family, including herself, struggled with depression. It raises the question of the extent to which family genetics determine who we are and whether it is possible to outsmart one’s […]

Tribute to Gil Alkabetz

28. April 2023 @ 20:30 – 22:30 – With this tribute programme we bid farewell to Gil Alkabetz, a great animation artist and loyal friend to the ITFS. The programme honors his life’s work and combines his own award-winning animated films as well as two of his previously unreleased works with films he created in workshops together with students at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg […]